Case Study
Wendy's Restaurants - Self Service Kiosk


The Challenge

Companies are always trying to cut costs and make their businesses work more efficiently. Recently this has become even more important for the restaurant industry. Payroll at Wendy's swelled 5 to 6 percent year-over-year in the company's first quarter, said Todd Penegor, the company's chief financial officer. That rise was attributed to minimum wage increases and the need to compete for employees.

The Solution

Technology can help restaurant industry streamline the process of ordering and cut unnecessary costs. Wendy’s partnered with SwipeTrack to develop a self-serving system that will enable their clients to place the orders themselves, especially younger consumers. Our team analyzed their needs and provided Wendy’s with the app, kiosks and hardware. Penegor, Wendy’s CFO, said that self-serve kiosks give consumers the sort of up-to-date technology interaction they desire while keeping menu prices in line with expectations - in other words, low. Bob Bertini, Wendy's spokesman, says the customers enjoy the experience of ordering via the self-serving system.

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